Saturday, July 30, 2011

So this morning I went to put on my wedding band, and it got stuck going over my knuckle. I didn't think I'd have to stop wearing it at only 15 weeks! I dug threw my jewelry and have put on another ring I have. We went to the mall tonight, and I got a silver ring two sizes bigger! The nice thing is I can trade it back in for a different size any time.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I saw Dr. Nishiguchi this afternoon. He couldn't see any fresh blood on the u/s. If all goes well (and I only continue to have brown spotting) I can go back to work on Monday. He said not to be concerned about purple discharge, only red. Baby is now measuring up to my belly button. Not so great news- I've gained 3 lbs in only 6 days. No more Mcflurrys for me :-(. I also haven't had my hair cut and colored in about four months and finally am able to get it done on Saturday.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I just realized that today is day 13 of bed rest. The past few mornings I've woken up to a purplish brown discharge. David seems to think it's a mix of old and new blood. I keep praying that it's old blood. The rest of the day, the discharge has been brown and sometimes clotty. I go back to my OB tomorrow. At my last appointment (on July 22), Dr. Nishiguchi seemed to think the clot would be resolved in a week. Let's hope so!

Time has passed very slowly for me. At the beginning of bed rest, I slept a lot. The dogs have been by my side and are great company. I do miss human contact and am feeling very isolated. David is at work all day. After the first few days, I knew he was beat. He recently joined a local poker league and has been going a few nights a week. I think it's been good for him, but I do miss him and don't care for so much time alone.

I've gotten into some new tv shows- "Millionare Matchmaker" on Bravo caught my attention and has been very entertaining. I've also been watching "Baby Stories" on TLC and movies on Lifetime.

Last Sunday, David and I went out to eat. He dropped me at the door to the restaurant, and I was seated right away. After dinner, he needed to grab a few things from Target. David dropped menofhe parked the car, and I had my first opportunity to sit and ride a motorized cart. David got a kick out of it; me- not so much. The cart was a pain to maneuver through the aisles. David was not allowed to take any photos :-)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm so excited to pass down this family heirloom to our daughter.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Today was a better day for me. 8 days down, and 7 days to go... My friend picked me up and dropped me off for my ob appt (David met me there). The clot has gone down in size. I still have intermittent brown blood. On the way home, David took me to Fridays (dropped me at the restaurant while he found parking). 
It was so good to get out. Then we stopped by blockbuster, and I rented a bunch of movies. I couldn't help but ask the clerk if they give a bed rest discount. He was very sincere when he said, "I'm sorry". I've had some intermittent cramping. OB said not to worry as long as it's low (could be my uterus adjusting), but to worry if it's higher or contractions. I stepped outside tonight with hubby and the dogs for a few minutes, and got cramping. I have no way of knowing what a contraction is, as this is my first pregnancy. 
I did step out earlier today and laid at our condo's pool for 45 minutes. Now I worry that I shouldn't have done that and what if I caused harm. Hubby's aunt called tonight and gently reminded me that I'm in a high-risk pregnancy and to be very careful. I wish this constant worry and anxiety would subside.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Woke up to gushing blood. Hubby is taking me to the ER. Please pray for us.

My good friend Cathy wrote the following:
Praying hard for you Jess! Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen.

Looks like a hemmorhage between the uterine lining and placenta. Baby looks ok. Just waiting to find out the next step.They're going to admit me just to make sure. They'll repeat an ultrasound in the morning. my new OB came in to the ER to see me! I keep wondering if the CVS may have caused this. I'm scared shitless.

I had a repeat ultrasound about 3 hours ago. The ultrasound tech would not tell me anything. I told her I was scared beyond belief, and she said they're not allowed to say anything and I'd have to wait for the doctor. Hubby came for a while and then went back to work. I had a few friends stop by, which was nice. I forgot to mention that at 2am I vomited all over myself. They couldn't give me anything until around 9am today. After hubby came, I took a nap. When I woke up, the nurse said they are sending me home tonight. The bleeding has subsided, but I'm still so scared :-(

So here's the official term of what I have- subchorionic hemorrhage. I started reading on pregnancy sites and am now even more scared. There was a lady who also developed it a week after cvs, bleeding had subsided, and she lost the baby at 18 weeks. I feel like there is no end in sight here. I am making a promise to G-d to be a much better person. This is beyond painful. 

Balloons from my friends Robert and Lora.

From my lovely boss at the hospital.

My favorite candy from my friend Kay.
Just went to the bathroom and saw brown blood. I had the same thing a week ago after the CVS procedure, but that only lasted for 2-3 days. Now I'm scared something is wrong. I'm 12w 5 d. I'm not supposed to start with my regular OB untl next Wednesday. I called his office and am waiting for him to call me back. Before the CVS procedure, I never had any bleeding. 
Jane: Can you call the RE you were using before your regular OB? I always read that spotting is so common but I know I'd freak too! My best friend who is about 19 weeks now had some bleeding a few weeks ago and went to urgent care and all was ok!        
Me: I'm on hold with my RE's office right now..RE is out of town, but one of his partners will see me.                                                                                                                                                         
Charlotte: Jess I hope everything is ok. Brown blood is old blood. So it may be from the procedure still. Are you having any cramping? I think you should sit down with your feet up. Keep us posted for sure. xxxx                                                                                                                                         
Jeri: what did the RE say?                                                                                                                  
Kate: Any news?                                                                                                                                     
Me: Just got to REs office. He's a hour drive from work.                                                                
Nikki: Jess, I heard brown blood is old blood too. Thinking positive loving vibes for ya princess xxxxxx                                                                                                                                             
Charlotte:  Any news Jess ??? I'm so worried about you ... Wish I was closer so I could help you out.                                          
Me: Thank you ladies. I felt like you were all there holding my hand. Baby is okay! He said if it turns red then to come back in. On my way home to take a nap with my dogs and put my feet up :-)                                                                    
Charlotte: That's great news Jessica :) You should buy a Doppler so you can listen to the baby ... I hope you get a good rest.  
Jeri: glad to hear the good news                                                                                                                      
Lisa:  thats great, you get your feet up xxxx                                                                                                
Susan:That is great news you need to put your feet up with a cuppa and a bit of choc and some good pampering xxx           
Nikki:Did you hear the "waaahhhhoooo" coming from down under?? So happy Jess!!!!                                            
Carolyn:Fantastic news xxx 
Ann; thats great hun, pleased for u , u take it easy xx 
Me: I keep telling myself to get a Doppler! I just want to be able to relax and not have anything to worry about. But, I guess that's difficult with IVF! 
Susan: Anyone who has had a hard time getting pregnant is the same my friend just had a baby and she was the same but between the girls on this group from around the world we have the most hours covered xxxx 
Jane:  Oh Jess so glad to hear all is well. I hope we are able to relax and enjoy at some point!
Cathy:I'm glad everything is good Jess! I know it's hard, but try to keep busy without being physically busy! LOL! rest up! 
Jani: Phew!!!! Rest well 
Charlotte: Jess order a Doppler off eBay ... They have good deals and better ones than you can buy at babies r us ... I think it'll help put your mind at ease ;) Soon you'll feel the baby move and that too will help. Although I became paranoid when the baby wasn't moving so there's also a catch to that too!!

    Surprise visit to my RE's office. I've been having some bleeding, and I'm not supposed to see my new OB /GYN until next week. I called his office, but hadn't heard back and decided to call my RE. They had me come in, and everything look's good for Baby Rome :-)

    HR was at 150bpm today.

    Place your bet! We'll know in a little over a week whether we're having a girl or boy :-)

    Heather boy :)
    Joyce Rome Rome boys rule. I had 2 myself.
    Christine Boy .... Girl ... No boy ... lol Aghhhhh ummmm have you been sick ?? lol Ok I'll say boy ... lol Can we find out tomorrow .... All this waiting is hard on me ... lol Ohh and you should update your belly shot :)
    Nioka My bet's on girl :)
    Heather  yes - saturday - update belly shot for HIS 13 week bday
    MeWill do :-)
    Lora Hill Girl!
    Diane Girlx xxxx
    Jennifer Barlow Bernal I love many cute clothes!
    Elaine Bingham girl!
    Jackie Rome Go  Girl

    Wednesday, July 13, 2011

    Concerns Regarding Early Fetal Development

    Understanding early fetal development. The development of a baby is quite an intricate journey. From the moment that the egg and sperm meet, a baby is beginning the developmental process. This early part of development lays the foundation for a healthy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. Unfortunately, because these early weeks involve such a complex process, things can go wrong and ultimately end in a pregnancy loss. If a possible complication in early pregnancy is suspected, your health care provider will use a combination of blood tests and ultrasound tests to make a clear diagnosis. A blood test can be used to monitor hCG levels and progesterone levels. Ultrasounds can be used to visually see what development is taking place in the uterus and to measure the progress.
    It is common to have many questions about what this early development truly involves and what is to be expected. We have gathered information from different sources in order to provide the best guidelines of what normal early fetal development looks like. However, just as every woman is different, every pregnancy develops differently. This information should be used as a general guide for healthy pregnancy development, although development may vary due to the mother’s health or a miscalculation of ovulation. Gestational age is the age of the pregnancy from the last normal menstrual period (LMP), and fetal age is the actual age of the growing baby. Most references to pregnancy are usually in gestational age rather than fetal age development, but we have included both so that it is clear what stage development is at.

    Week 1 & 2 Gestational Age - (Conception)

    At this stage, the menstrual period has just ended and your body is getting ready for ovulation. For most women, ovulation takes place about 11 - 21 days from the first day of the last menstrual period. During intercourse, several hundred million sperm are released in the vagina. Sperm will travel through the cervix and into the fallopian tubes. When conception takes place, the sperm will penetrate an egg and create a single set of 46 chromosomes called a zygote - the basis for a new human being. The fertilized egg, called a morula, spends a couple of days traveling through the fallopian tube toward the uterus and dividing into cells (this dividing process is where many chromosomal abnormalities occur). The morula becomes a blastocyst and will eventually end up in the uterus. Anywhere from day 6 - 12 after conception, the blastocyst will imbed into the uterine lining and begin the embryonic stage.

    Weeks 3-4 - Gestational Age (Fetal Age 2 weeks)

    DevelopmentThe earliest change that can be seen through a vaginal ultrasound at this time will be the “decidual reaction” which is the thickening of the endometrium. The endometrium lining thickens as the blastocyst burrows into it. This cannot always be detected by ultrasound—sometimes it may take a special eye or very good equipment to see this “reaction” in the endometrium lining.
    *A key fact to remember when using ultrasounds is that a transvaginal ultrasound can detect development in the uterus about a week earlier than a transabdominal ultrasound.
    hCG: Once implantation occurs, the pregnancy hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) will develop and begin to rise. This hormone will signal that you are pregnant on a pregnancy test. hCG can be detected through two different types of blood tests or through a urine test. A quantitative blood test measures the exact amount of hCG in the blood, and a qualitative hCG blood test gives a simple yes or no answer to whether you are pregnant or not.
    Doctors will often use the quantitative test if they are closely monitoring the development of a pregnancy. After implantation occurs, the hormone will begin to rise and should increase every 48-72 hours for the next several weeks.
    Progesterone: The follicle from which the egg was released is called the corpus luteum. It will release progesterone that helps thicken and prepare the uterine lining for implantation. The corpus luteum will produce progesterone for about 12-16 days (the luteal phase of your cycle.) When the egg is fertilized, the corpus luteum will continue to produce progesterone for the developing pregnancy until the placenta takes over around week 10. Progesterone is the hormone that helps maintain the pregnancy until birth. Sometimes, the failure of the corpus luteum to adequately support the pregnancy with progesterone can result in an early pregnancy loss. Progesterone inhibits immune responses, decreases prostaglandins, and prevents the onset of uterine contractions.

    Week 5 - Gestational Age (Fetal age 3 weeks)

    DevelopmentThe gestational sac is often the first thing that most transvaginal ultrasounds can detect at about 5 weeks. This is seen before a recognizable embryo can be seen. Within this week, at about week 5 ½ to the beginning of the 6th week, a yolk sac can be seen inside the gestational sac. The yolk sac will be the earliest source of nutrients for the developing fetus.
    Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels can have quite a bit of variance at this point. Anything from 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml is considered normal at 5 weeks. Once the levels have reached at least 2000, some type of development is expected to be seen in the uterus using high resolution vaginal ultrasound. If using a transabdominal ultrasound, some type of development should be seen when the hCG level has reached 3600 mIU/ml. Although development may be seen earlier, these levels provide a guide of when something is expected to be seen.
    Progesterone levels also can have quite a variance at this stage of pregnancy. They can range from 9-47ng/ml in the first trimester, with an average of 12-20ng/ml in the first 5-6 weeks of pregnancy.
    With both hCG levels and progesterone levels, it is not the single value that can predict a healthy pregnancy outcome. It is more important to evaluate two different values to see if the numbers are increasing. Levels of hCG should be increasing by at least 60 % every 2-3 days, but ideally doubling every 48-72 hours. Progesterone levels rise much differently than hCG levels, with an average of 1-3ng/ml every couple days until they reach their peak for that trimester. In situations when there is a concern of an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, hCG levels will often start out normal, but will not show a significant increase or will stop rising all together, and progesterone levels will be low from the beginning.

    Week 6 - Gestational Age (Fetal age 4 weeks)

    5 ½ to 6 ½ weeks is usually a very good time to detect either a fetal pole or even a fetal heart beat by vaginal ultrasound. The fetal pole is the first visible sign of a developing embryo. This pole structure actually has some curve to it with the embryo’s head at one end and what looks like a tail at the other end. The fetal pole now allows for crown to rump measurements (CRL) to be taken, so that pregnancy dating can be a bit more accurate. The fetal pole may be seen at a crown-rump length (CRL) of 2-4mm, and the heartbeat may be seen as a regular flutter when the CRL has reached 5mm.
    If a vaginal ultrasound is done and no fetal pole or cardiac activity is seen, another ultrasound scan should be done in 3-7 days. Due to the fact that pregnancy dating can be wrong, it would be much too early at this point to make a clear diagnosis on the outcome of the pregnancy.

    Week 7 - Gestational Age (Fetal Age 5 weeks)

    Generally from 6 ½ -7 weeks is the time when a heartbeat can be detected and viability can be assessed. A normal heartbeat at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute. The presence of an embryonic heartbeat is an assuring sign of the health of the pregnancy. Once a heartbeat is detected, the chance of the pregnancy continuing ranges from 70-90% dependent on what type of ultrasound is used. If the embryo is less than 5mm CRL, it is possible for it to be healthy without showing a heartbeat, though a follow up scan in 5-7 days should show cardiac activity.
    If your doctor is concerned about miscarriage, blighted ovum, or ectopic pregnancy, the gestational sac and fetal pole (if visible) will be measured to determine what type of development should be seen. The guideline is that if the gestational sac measures >16-18mm with no fetal pole or the fetal pole measures 5mm with no heartbeat (by vaginal ultrasound), then a diagnosis of miscarriage or blighted ovum is made. If the fetal pole is too small to take an accurate measurement, then a repeat scan should be done in 3-5 days. If there is absence of a fetal pole, then further testing should be done to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.

    Week 8 & 9 - Gestational Age (Fetal Age 6-7 weeks)

    By this point in the pregnancy, everything that is present in an adult human is present in the developing embryo. The embryo has reached the end of the embryonic stage and now enters the fetal stage. A strong fetal heartbeat should be detectable by ultrasound, with a heartbeat of 140-170 bpm by the 9th week. If a strong heartbeat is not detected at this point, another ultrasound scan may be done to verify the viability of the fetus. If a pregnancy has been diagnosed as non-viable, most physicians will give the choice of waiting to see if the body will miscarry naturally (pending no other health issues) or to have a Dilation & Curettage (D&C) procedure. About 50% of women do not undergo a D&C procedure when an early pregnancy loss has occurred.
    The hCG levels will peak at about 8-12 weeks of pregnancy and then will decline, remaining at lower levels throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. If the levels are questionable, an ultrasound scan should be used to diagnose the pregnancy outcome. Ultrasound findings are much more accurate at diagnosing pregnancy viability after 5-6 weeks gestation than hCG levels are.

    Guideline to hCG levels during pregnancy:

    hCG levels in weeks from LMP (gestational age)* :
    • 3 weeks LMP: 5 - 50 mIU/ml
    • 4 weeks LMP: 5 - 426 mIU/ml
    • 5 weeks LMP: 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml
    • 6 weeks LMP: 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml
    • 7 - 8 weeks LMP: 7,650 - 229,000 mIU/ml
    • 9 - 12 weeks LMP: 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml
    • 13 - 16 weeks LMP: 13,300 - 254,000 mIU/ml
    • 17 - 24 weeks LMP: 4,060 - 165,400 mIU/ml
    • 25 - 40 weeks LMP: 3,640 - 117,000 mIU/ml
    • Non-pregnant females: <5.0 mIU/ml
    • Postmenopausal: <9.5 mIU/ml

    Guideline to Progesterone levels during pregnancy:

    • 1-28 ng/ml Mid Luteal Phase (Average is over 10 for un-medicated cycles and over 15 with medication use)
    • 9-47 ng/ml First trimester
    • 17-146 ng/ml Second Trimester
    • 49-300 ng/ml Third Trimester
    *There are many averages for progesterone levels. These charts are a very broad guideline—speak with your health care professional for more specific guidelines for you.
    **Remember - These numbers are just a GUIDELINE -- every woman’s hormone level can rise differently. It is not necessarily the level that matters but rather the change in the level.
    Yesterday, I posted on my support group that at 12 weeks pregnant I'm still anxious. I wish it would get easier. With every milestone (increasing beta, first ultrasound) achieved, I still worry about the next one. My comfort has been the girls in my IVF support group. Whether it's just listening, giving opinions, cheering me on, they have always been by my side through this journey. Corny, but so true :-)

    A friend from my group responded:
    Jessica you'll be all right, I did the same thing. At every ultrasound the lady asked why I was so worried, she asked if I had been bleeding. No everything has been fine, but I just want to see that heartbeat. It gets MUCH easier when you feel the baby move, my worries have really eased up, it wont be long to go for you now until your little belly camper starts pounding from within. xx

    Sunday, July 10, 2011

    CVS Exam- Take Two

    On 07/07, David and I drove down to Cedars Sinai for our second attempt at CVS. Because of LA traffic, we left even earlier and got there at 3:00 for a 3:30 appt. By 4:30, I had still not been called back. One of the receptionists came and told us it would be approximely another 30 minutes. Apparently, Dr. Williams was having a difficult time performing CVS on a woman pregnant with twins. Of course I couldn't be angry. Nevertheless, all that waiting heightened my anxiety about the procedure.

    5:00 came and we were taken back to the procedure room. My vitals were taken and a sonogram was performed. Baby's measurements were good- one scan showed 11w1d. The hr was also in the 160s. Dr. Williams came in and explained in detail what he would be doing. It was much like a pap smear, just much more uncomfortable. I think part of the discomfort natually comes from having a baby inside and worrying about the baby. David was by my side, and I held his hand tightly.

    The procedure itself did not take very long. I was relieved when it was over. Following doctor's orders, I spent the next day on bed rest. Our dogs were great company, and Lucy never left my side. On Saturday, I went to work at the hospital. I wasn't feeling well, began to have nausea. When I went to the bathroom, I noticed blood. I thought taking a break and eating lunch may help, but it didn't. So, I ended up going home early.  Once at home, David looked at the blood sample and felt it was okay (based on the discharge sheet- which states a small amount of dried blood is normal). The nausea eventually dissipated.

    On Sunday I still had some mild bloody discharge. Again, I spent a lot of time resting. We did end up going to a late afternoon movie with friends.

    I don't know if I would do the CVS exam again. The procedure was very uncomfortable and stressful. The recovery was also very unpleasant. Our preliminary blood work and tests were good. I am hoping the final results will be good as well. On a positive note, it will be nice to find out the baby's gender in less than two weeks.

    Thursday, July 7, 2011

    Horrible nightmare last night. I dreamt I was having a miscarriage. There was blood everywhere. I went to the ER where I work on the weekends. All of the staff (doctor and nurses) were people I didn't know. There were two nurses taking care of me. They were laughing- said something about how odd looking the baby was in the ultrasound. In the dream, it was clear I was losing the baby. The nurses were telling me how everything was slowing down- baby's heartrate. It was awful.I woke up full of sweat. Today is my second try at the CVS exam.

    Sunday, July 3, 2011

    I had to wait until week 15 to finally get my hair cut and colored. It was so dry, she cut 4 inches off. It's feeling much better..especially with the summer heat!

    Friday, July 1, 2011

    Our first baby gift (from my mother-in-law). Love it!