Thursday, January 26, 2012

Beautiful Butterfly Nursery

I received the brown bear (with a puppy floral arrangement) when I was in the hospital. It's from two good friends of mine, Amber Shaffer-Farrell and Carole Jeremy Shaffer. The sweet Special Moments figurine from one of my closest friends, Heather Dowd. And the beautiful butterfly prop from my dear college friend, Lainie Gutterman.

Closet shelves complete with bunny bookends, books, stuffed animals, wedding photo of baby's mom and dad, sonogram photo, ballerina figurines from grandma's childhood, and baby bank.
My friend Cara Deutch Sperandeo gve Sadie the sweet Gund elephant (on the bottom shelf), and my Australian friend Elisha Gare gave Sadie the brown and black puppy (on the second shelf).
Because it wasbackordered, it took almost five months to arrive. Sadie's lavender shaggy raggy rug finally came on 01/26/2012.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

After all I went through to have Sadie and the risk to myself and her, I really didn't think I'd ever want to go through a pregnancy again. Every day I look at her, I am amazed and beyond grateful. David has always said he wanted another and has been talking more about it. I really don't want her to be an only child and would love for her to have a sibling. After what I went through, would you take the risk again? I'm 38 years old and of course the clock is not on my side. When would be a good time (if we do) to try for #2? Also, by trying I mean naturally. We have a lot of debt from previous attempts and aren't looking to do another ivf any time soon. There is the possibility that David's new insurance may have some infertility coverage.

At my last appt with my OB, he had the "talk" with me about contraception. I told him we weren't planning to use any. My infertility is unexplained. He told me about a couple who had gone through eight cycles of IVF, had a baby, didn't use protection, and were pleasantly surprised to naturally get pregnant with #2. I'd love to have that happen!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Due Date Photo- 01/21/2012

Today was my due date. Sadie Rose now weighs 6 lbs 1 ounce. She's come a long way from 12/5/11 and only just 3 lbs 15 ounces.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Heading to see my OB. The past two days I've had heavy red bleeding and am now having to change my pad every 2 or so hours. It's been over 5 weeks since I gave birth. The bleeding had seemed like it was over. I've been feeling exhausted. Other than caring for Sadie, I pretty much laid in bed the past two days. The day before that I did a lot of housework..maybe I did too much. Called OB for advice, and they wanted me to come in.
Everything is ok. Dr said it's either a hematoma bleeding out or my first period. He also ordered labs to make sure I'm not anemic and that my thyroid med doesn't need to be adjusted.