I'm waiting at Cedars Sinai Medical Center for the genetic counseling session..worrying about all the possible things which could be wrong. The paperwork asks if your baby is small. The cvs exam is next week. Then it will be another 2 weeks until we get the results. Nothing about IVF and pregnancy is easy..and so many 2ww!
The appointment itself was not bad. They had alotted 90 minutes, and I was done within 20 minutes. The genetic counselor took a detailed history of all medical issues in both David and my families. Fortunately, there are no genetic disorders (i.e. cystic fibrosis) in either family. At 37yo, we have a 2% chance of having a baby with Down's Syndrome. The genetic counselor made a point of telling me she had seen a 48yo woman (who used her own eggs) and the baby was completely healthy.
She also went over the CVS exam itself, including the two different ways in which it can be performed.
For an additional $540, we have the option of getting preliminary test results within 3 days (versus 2 weeks). We opted to forgo the "rushed results", wait, and pray for good news.
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