Since Saturday night, I'd noticed the my feet were very swollen. I'd worked at the hospital and had been on my feet all day. Then, David and I went to dinner and the movies (and I had popcorn and sprite). On Sunday, I took it easy at home and even iced my ankles. By this morning, the swelling seemed the same.
My next appointment with Dr. Nishiguchi wasn't scheduled for another three days, so I went ahead and called his office. He expressed concern about my blood pressure and wanted me to come in. I'd only been at work for an hour, called my boss and another supervisor, and was on my way.
Dr. Nishiguchi took a look and told me the swelling will likely only continue to get worse. He said he'd be more concerned if the swelling was only in one leg or if it was higher than my ankles. He checked my blood pressure- which was good. Out baby's heartbeat was also good, and we could hear her kicking.
My labs came back for my second trimester screening, and my iron is low. So I'm now taking feosil. Dr. Nishinguchi wants me to cut back, watch my salt intake, and keep my feet elevated. He also wants mento get up every hour. Since my last visit, I'd only gained 2 lbs, and he seemed pleased.
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