Saturday, February 18, 2012

After the crap week I've had (my good friend had her last go at IVF which did not work and another friend delivered a stillorn at 19 weeks), I was so excited to go to my friend Jenn's house for a girls' night. And, the wonderful thing about Jenn is that Sadie was invited, too (she knows I couldn't come without her and had said, "she's a lady, too!)

I am friends with five of the nine girls who were there. I met Jenn through my husband (they used to work together), and most of the girls there work together. So, they all knew about the difficult pregnancy, etc.

There were some questions and comments made that really bothered me. We've all heard them before, I know I'm sensitive, but it didn't make it any easier.

I was asked by one girl when we'll be trying for a second baby so that Sadie will have a sibling. Our appointment with our RE (Dr. Buyalos) is Monday morning, and this subject is fresh on my mind. I was ready to go off on her, and I said, "She will probably be our only child. We can't afford another $20,000." I wanted to cry, but held it together.

One of my friends was talking about how she'd done clomid for 3 cycles, stopped, and "just got pregnant". Another girl then had to chime in, "That's always how it happens..once you just relax and stop trying." My face must have been bright red, and my friend Jenn then made the comment, "Or you can go through tons of treatments and spend all of your money and still may not have a baby". She knows the hell we went through.

I'm sharing all of this because I am sad and very nervous about our appointment on Monday. I'm so scared our RE is going to say congratulations on Sadie and that unfortunately he's sorry, that there will be no free cycle.

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