Sunday, April 24, 2011

Antagonist Protocol

After the birth control pills, I began the ultrasounds and bloodwork every 2 to 3 days. February 20, 2011- injections began. My protocol included 300 IU follistim in the am and 150 IU menopur in the pm. I was already familiar with the follistim pen, so that part was a piece of cake.  The menopur is another story...

Learning to draw the saline and mix was not the easiest for me. David had to initially help. I remember him pulling the syringe back too far, and as a result the medicine was lost. Between the two of us, I think we lost 2 vials. Two vials may not seem like much. But, for anyone who has gone through IVF (or is getting ready to), they would understand- each vial retails for approximately $80!

Drawing up the menopur was not the only hard part. Injecting it was. The instructions had not been that clear, and I had to use a 1 1/2" needle to inject it. The result- blood everywhere.

We later learned that I was supposed to switch out the "needle" part for a 1/2" needle. Once we learned that, the process was much easier.

In addition to follistim and menopur, Dr. Buyalos had me take omnitrope. Omnitrope is a human growth hormone and is used (experimentally) to help with egg development. A lot of pharmacies sell it for approximately $800, and I was able to get it through my mail order program for $490.  I had to take the omnitrope every two days for a total of four injections.

I stayed on follistim (300) and menopur (150) for 9 days. David and I also took the ZPac for 6 days. I had two days of ganirelix to hold off ovulation (02/27 and 02/28).  On the 9th day, I triggered with Novarel (HCG).

Egg retrieval was on Wednesday, 03/02/2011. The next day, I received a call from Dr. Buylos that we had 6 fertilized embryos. Three days later, 3 were transferred. Of the three remaining embryos, we were only able to freeze one.

Here is a pic of our embroys from our first IVF cycle (3 were IVF and 3 were ICSI):


  1. Hi Jessica
    I see Dr. Buyalos as well. I have had 3 unsuccessfull iuis. Dr Buyalos is suggesting ivf for me. My husband and I are unsure about this process just because we pay for everything out of pocket. I go in tomorrow to speak with a nurse as well as the finical department. We are a little worried about the cost to the percentage of success. I noticed you have not been back to up date your profile. How are you doing?

  2. Hi, Lisa. For some reason, my computer won't allow me to add new posts, so I grabbed my hubby's computer :-)

    We're actually in the middle of our second IVF (I had a transfer last Thursday afternoon and go back to work tomorrow). We went back to Dr. Buyalos about 3 weeks after my negative pregnancy test. I was straight up with him and told him we had little insurance coverage left. He was reassuring and told us that they "would help us". Neither hubby nor I asked what that meant.

    However, I can tell you that the surgery center fee is usually $4,000 or $4,500 (that is for the egg retrieval) and insurance doesn't cover it at all. Dr. Buyalos' office gives their cash paying patients a cash discount- we have now paid $2,500 twice. There are also his professional fees (which I can not remember off the top of my head) and the cost for the nurse anesthestist is about $600.

    In addition to those fees, the medications can be the bulk of the expense for many people. Our first go around, my insurance paid almost $6,000 for the medications alone. Dr. B's office mentioned to me that a lot of times people will either donate or sell (at a much lower cost) their unused/unopened meds. That was the route we chose for IVF #2, and I can certainly tell you more about it.

    I spent hours doing google searches, such as "free follistim", "follistim for sale", "free IVF meds", etc. There are several sites where people do donate or sell the meds- such as (search their infertility forum), (search their medical section), and even craigslist. I plan to eventually post later on about some of the amazing women I've met along the way (including one woman who lives near me and gave me $600 worth of medication for FREE).

    Also, if you are on facebook, their is a person you can search and friend request named "Give Away Acosta" where people do donate and sell their meds at much lower prices. I am on facebook under "Jessica Held Rome".

    Best of luck tomorrow at your appointment!

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  5. Thanks, Lisa. I'll be seeing Dr. B next Friday, 05/27. I hope you and your hubby are able to come up with a plan for IVF and will be thinking of you.

  6. Hi, Lisa. I just wondered how you're doing. I hope you are well :-)
