Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pregnancy Question Answered: Is it okay to have a Keratin Treatment During Pregnancy?

Is it okay to have a Keratin Treatment During Pregnancy?

Keratin treatment is the same as the Brazilian Blowout. I have always had thick and frizzy hair. I had the blowout a year ago, right before my wedding. And, I absolutely loved it!  It lasted about 3 months. I've been dying to have it again and had held off because of the cost (it tends to be very expensive). However, I had been thinking it would be so nice to have my hair easy to style and manageable.  Here's the answer:

Treatment During Pregnancy?
Keratin hair treatments can smoothen and straighten unmanageable locks, and have gained great popularity in the past 6 months. Women are willing to try new beauty items, and salons are quick to want business, but as is the case with anything new, there are precautions to take. You want to research both the treatment and the stylist you are contemplating before taking the plunge. Stay tuned for an informative post with details on how to do so!

While there are many questions women have about keratin treatments, a vital question has popped up quite a few times and there seem to be contradictory answers. That question? “Can I Have a Keratin Treatment While I’m Pregnant (or nursing)?” the manufacturers for these beauty products say no. Salons are split in their opinion; some will, some won’t. And it’s so new that many OB’s are still in dark about what they are or how they work.

The manufacturers’ reply is decidedly no, because it is new and no one has done any experiments on how it might affect a baby. But the question is how many women ever contact the manufacturer of the hair color or other products their stylist uses? Why would you? You probably trust your stylist…right? Not to knock hair stylists; we are gifted artists and outgoing professionals, but we aren’t chemists and we surely aren’t Doctors We are keen to see what’s new in beauty and offer it to our clients to make them feel as good as possible. But many salons are promoting these treatments as “all-natural” or “chemical-free,” which is just not true. They do not chemically transform the hair, but as is always said…if they were made of rainbow and butterflies, they wouldn’t last more than 3-6 months!
Again, I’m not a chemist, but I’m absolutely sure there’s more than apples and honey in there. Keratin treatments have done wonders for the frizzy gals of the world, and are perfectly secure when applied and processed properly in an appropriate environment. However, there are many things women have in moderation or use regularly, but have to hold back from while they are pregnant.

If you’re a reader of A MOM in Red High Heels, there’s a good chance you’ve already spent several months of your life avoiding alcohol, OTC medications, soft cheeses, soft boiled or over-easy eggs, sushi and certain kinds of fish, cycling or horseback riding, and after that great maternity massage you pouted and passed up the jacuzzi/sauna.
See what some of the most well known keratin treatment companies have to say about receiving the treatment while pregnant or nursing:

Q. Can I receive a Brazilian Blowout in case I am pregnant or breastfeeding?A. There have been no medical tests performed on the safety of performing the Brazilian Blowout on pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding. As a result, we do counsel against pregnant or breastfeeding women receiving the Brazilian Blowout treatment.

It is said that Keratin Complex is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. The research or development has not been done satisfactorily and, therefore, experts do not put their stamp of approval.

Answer found at:

Monday, May 30, 2011

David's Surprise

I ended up buying a picture frame from Buy Buy Baby that reads "My Dad and Me". Inside, I made a border and put in a picture of my first positive pregnancy test. Three days later, I picked David up from the Fly Away in Van Nuys. I got out of the car and told him that he needed to close his eyes and put both hands out to hold something fragile. When David opened his eyes, he said excitedly, "Are you serious? I'm going to be a daddy?" and became teary-eyed. The suprise was so worth the wait!

Pregnancy Question Answered: Is it safe to color my hair?

I've been going grey since my late 20's and held off coloring my hair until 3 years ago, at age 34yo. Initially, I'd have my hair colored every 3 to 4 months. The grey grows in quicker now, and I really need to go every 2 months now. My next appointment for a haircut and color is scheduled for June14th. After reading this, I will have to put off coloring.

Some hair treatment is safe during pregnancy.
Questions related to hair treatments during pregnancy are common. Most treatments involve chemicals and dyes which leave women wondering if they are safe.
The different types of hair treatments include:
  • Coloring – this includes temporary dyes, semi-permanent dyes and permanent dyes.
  • Curling – permanent waves are created by placing two solutions on the hair. The first solution is a waving solution and the second is a neutralization/fixation solution.
  • Bleaching – involves the use of hydrogen peroxide
  • Relaxers – are also known as hair straighteners and involve a variety of chemicals.

Are hair treatment chemicals dangerous during pregnancy?

Manufacturers frequently change formulas and many different chemicals are used in these processes. These chemicals are not generally evaluated for effects on pregnancy so limited data on use during pregnancy is available.

It is likely that only a small amount of any hair treatment chemicals are actually absorbed into a woman’s system through her skin. This minimal amount is not thought to be enough to create a problem for the baby. The fixation solution used during permanents may irritate the scalp but not affect other areas of the body and a minimal amount would be absorbed. The same would be true of chemicals used in the straightening process.

Are hair dyes safe during pregnancy?

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), hair dyes are probably safe to use during pregnancy because so little dye is absorbed through the skin. However, it is still important to be cautious, therefore many health care providers recommend that pregnant women not use permanent hair dyes during the first three months.

While the absorption through the skin is minimal, the concern is that breathing fumes during the process could be harmful to the developing baby. Permanent hair dyes contain ammonia which has a strong chemical fume. The recommendation is to avoid hair dyes that contain ammonia. The chemical fume warning also applies to straightening products as well.

Semi-permanent dyes or a highlighting process may be considered safer for pregnant women. With highlights, the dye is enclosed in foil and won’t be absorbed into the skin. Vegetable dyes such as henna are also considered likely to be safe for coloring hair during pregnancy.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Fortune Cookie

My fortune read:

From your garden  of dreams, many things will blossom.
05  14  22  36  41  21

‎5 weeks, 6 days. RE says with IVF pregnancies, it's normal to look much further along than I really am. Eventually, the bloating should even out to look like a "normal" pregnancy. Last week, someone asked me what I'm having..

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I've had cramping (like period cramping) for the past 1.5 hours. I called my RE's office about an hour ago, explained the situation, and she said they would pull my chart and call me back. I haven't heard from them yet, and the cramping isn't subsiding. I've been to the bathroom to check for blood...so far in the clear. I'm very worried..
Fara: hey hun hw far r u in the 2ww??? cud be implantation cramping huni give them a call back x
Me:  I'm over 5 weeks pregnant
Jeri:Call them again. My acupuncturist always tells me to concentrate on my breathing. nice slow in and out to go from your head to your toes. I know it wont help the belly but it may take your mind off it til they call 
Me: Calling right now..
Fara: give them a call back hun, if u have no bleeding dont think u have naything to worry bwt but wud just ring them xxx
Dina: Am thinking of. You hunny xxx I am sure all will be okay xxxx
Me:  On my way to RE's office. It's over a 1hr drive there.
Hannah: Hope all is going ok, use slow deep breaths as it helps with the pain. Good luck, thinking of you xox
 Cathy: keep us posted and don't panic! i know it's easier said than done! Praying for u and baby! xoxo
 Fay Simpson iampraying for u huni take ur time deep breaths stay positive hold on bubs xxx
 Tina: I hope everything is ok.. It's hard cuz while pregnant you do get cramping ... But I would say to rest and keep your feet up ... Let us know how it goes (:
 Clarestay strong jessica, im hoping for you thats its just your little jelly bean letting you know its there xoxo
Me: I've been sitting in the room for almost 40 minutes with my feet in stirrups. The nurse just walked in and apologized- said RE has been backed up. Hopefully it's a good sigb..otherwise I'd think he'd have seen me right away.
Dina: Thinking of you xxx
Jeri: Thanks for the visual, girlfriend! Hahaha! Seriously though let us know when you hear something  Happy thoughts happy thoughts
Cara: Omg thinking of u jess please please be ok xxx
Dina: How are u Doing hunny xxx sending positive thoughts your way xxx
Me: So far, doing okay- saw one sac. RE won't look for a heartbeat until 06/06. Thank you, ladies!
Diane: That's good news hunny xx take it easy as much as possible xx thinking of you xxx mwah xxx
Cara:  fan bloody tastic thankgod all is ok!!!!!
Cathy: Awesome! At least now u can breathe a little!
Me:  Looove you girls so much. Thank you all for the support. Today was nerve racking. Hubby is glad I went in, and now we have pics :-)
Ella: Thats great news, i had alsorts of twinges/cramping in the first couple of weeks, i think it can be the uterus stretching, your little one is working its hardest growing everyday, take care and rest xxx
Me:  Thank you :-)
Tina: Yay for seeing a sac !! That's great (: You should post your u/s picture!! I'd love to see your little gummy bear (: Make sure you get lots of rest and keep your feet up !!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Anxiously waiting for the first ultrasound

Feeling like a nervous Nelly..lol. 1st ultrasound isn't for 3 more days (on Friday at 9:45 am), and I continue to worry. What if there is no heartbeat? I keep telling myself that I wouldn't have all this heartburn and wouldn't be going to the bathroom so much, but wouldn't all of that still happen without a heartbeat? It's been such a long and hard journey..so scared ;-(
One of my IVF friends replied:
Jessica with an ivf baby you worry more. I think cuz you can't just get pregnant again. It's so much more to get pregnant. So I think we worry more than normal. But just try to breath and enjoy your pregnancy!!! You don't want to worry the whole pregnancy! You should order a fetal Doppler so you can listen to the heartbeat when it's time! Good luck (;

Monday, May 23, 2011

Waiting for the HCG Blood Test

After the embryo transfer was completed, I scheduled my HCG blood test for Monday, May 16th. David had a long planned trip to Vegas with his best friend, Paul, and would be gone from Friday, May 13th until Tuesday, May 17th. Knowing that David would be out of town when the results came in, I struggled with whether I would tell him the news ahead of time of not. I am not the best at keeping big secrets (especially if they are really good).

If it was bad news, I didn't want to ruin the rest of David's trip.  And, he wouldn't be able to comfort me. If it was good news, I wouldn't be able to see his face when he found out.  And, I'd always wanted to give him some sort of surprise in person if it was good news.

On Saturday, May 14th I woke up very early- around 4am. I couldn't sleep. Looking in the mirror, I noticed my boobs looked really large (especially the nipples). I tried to fall back asleep, but I couldn't. I decided to take the dogs on a long walk. This definitely helped, and I was able to go back to sleep.

I woke up again around 9:30am. I had two pregnancy test sticks left and kept goiong back and forth, "Do I go ahead and test?" Around 11am, I finally gave in. I remember thinking to myself, "If it's bad news, I'd rather just get it over with." The last time, the nurses had called me at work around 1pm. With the bad news, I had to struggle through another 3 hours of work.

So, I sat down and did the test.  Like many times before, I never expected to see the test turn. I couldn't believe my eyes- literally within 1 minute, two double lines appeared. This was 2 days before my scheduled HCG test, and the lines were dark and strong!! 

I remember hugging and kissing my dogs. I wanted to call David so badly, but I knew if I held off, it would all be worth it in the end.

In David's absence, my friend Lora had been doing my nightly progesterone injections. Lora also knew my HCG test wasn't scheduled for two days.  She knew that a Monday night injection was dependent on a positive pregnancy result. I was filled with excitement and called Lora. It was so nice to share the news with someone who I knew had been rooting for us all along. I could hear her get teary-eyed.

The next step was to plan David's surprise.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pineapple, Walnuts, & IVF

For those who may not be aware, pineapple is supposed to aide implantation. The directions I was given: cut the entire pineapple (including the core) into 5 equal portions. Do not eat any before the transfer. Starting the evening of the transfer, eat one portion per night for 5 nights. Then, refrain from eating any more, as there is another report that it can lead to miscarriage.

I'd also read that eating certain types of nuts can aide implantation. During bed rest, I had a small portion each day.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bed rest- May 5th- 8th

For the three + days of bed rest, I decided keeping my mind busy would be the best way to pass the time.  Rather than feel cooped up in the bedroom, I set up the living room couch with lots of comfortable pillows (I even put some under my legs and behind my back). A few days prior to transfer, I ordered Carolyn and Sean Savage's book, "Inconceivable". It arrived a day before my transfer. I had watched the Savage's story on Dateline. What better time to read their book than during bed rest? The Savages have three children (two teenage boys and a girl toddler). When they went in for their FET, another couple's embryos were transferred into Carolyn. The book is a must-read. Yes, it brought on tears, but was so inspiring.

I alternated between reading "Inconceivable", magazines, and watching sappy Lifetime movies.

Friday, May 20, 2011

IVF #2- Transfer on 05/05/2011

The next day (04/31/2011), Dr. B called and said the two eggs retrieved were looking good. He wanted to see how they continued to progress. We discussed the option of a 3-day versus a 5-day transfer. I'd read that 5-day embryos have usually proven themselves, and I requested that if possible to do a 5-day transfer.

I had both the one frozen embryo (thawed out of course) and the two fresh embroys transferred on Thursday, 05/05/2011. We were scheduled to be at the office by 3:00pm but arrive 30 minutes earlier for my first acupuncture session. Following the procedure, I had another acupuncture session. Then, we were on our way home.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Questions Answered: IVF, Pregnancy, & Intimacy

Once pregnant, how long do we wait for intimacy? My RE is saying it's okay at 6 weeks, after the first ultrasound. I'm just worried it will be too soon and would prefer to wait until after the first trimester.

Here are the responses (and mine). Note: I've changed names to protect everyone's privacy
Erica: I'm probably the wrong person to ask, but my long suffering husband had to wait almost a year! When I found out I was having twins, I didn't want to risk it early on in the pregnancy, then I felt too uncomfortable later on. After they were born (I had a caesar) I waited because I was quite sore for a few months...
Ellie: I can't quite remember, Jessica, but it's such a personal choice. There's no reason not to if your RE says it's safe after 6 wks but either of you (or both) might feel uncomfortable or unsure about it and, to my mind, that kind of defeats the purpose of intimacy... :)
Grace:  i got preg with twins from ivf and my ob said to wait until atleast 20 wks so she could do an u/s and see exactly were the placentas were located because if one of them were in a bad place, intercourse would be too dangerous. So, we waited until then. we didnt care how long we had to wait. It was well worth it.
Grace:  yw. we did EVERYTHING by the books lol. we actually got married 3 days before our transfer, and we still waited.
Lisa: I'm 20 weeks pregnant with twins and we have been having a more active than ever sex life since we found out. I have had ultrasounds at 6,8,10,12 and the last one was on thursday and we have never been told not to have sex. As a matter of fact in my "What to expect when you're expecting" book it says sex is actually good for working out your pelvic muscles to hold that baby in!
Taylor:  I had ivf and have 2 year old twins we were told by the clinic as soon as i had finished my progesterone pessiers at 12 week to go for it lol and we did for some reason my sex drive was double it ever was hubby though that all his birthdays had come at once x

Cathy: My RE just wants you to wait for the beta and then you can resume sexual activity. I have heard others mention that their doctors want to see a heartbeat but you don't do that in a "normal" (lol) pregnancy ... I think you have to do what you are comfy with but don't make your husband feel unloved (:
Claire: Our clinic tells us to go for it n the 2ww!! but everything I read says not to in the 2ww and to wait til u see a heartbeat, but I really think its personal choice & what u feel comfy with xx
Dina I miscarried at 10 weeks and we had been to scared to have sex, I am a bug believer in if it's going to happen you cant stop it. So what feels right for the both of you
Lacey:  i think its BJ's for the next 9 months !!! im sure your hubby wont mind :))))
Chelsea: Im going into my 12th week of pregnancy, and havent done any nookie yet! lol i dare not, hubby has been so understanding, im going to wait til about 20 weeks! lol,
Jeri: Lacy-LOL!!! Jess is all polite calling it "intimacy" and Lacy basically tells u to buy a bunch of chap-stick and say ahhhh! Hahaha! Lex- u are the best!! Thanks for making me smile :)
Laura: hubby always blames our failed ivf cycle on "being intimate" he wont come near me for the first 12 weeks now if we are successful, he blames himself, the first time i misscarried he was trying to convince me he bumbed the embryo out of its spot lol, i told him thats impossible but hes hell bent on being a born again virgin until we are given the all clear lol
Chelsea: I know a girl at work who miscarried in her 1st trimester, and she always blames it on sex she had, so that has scared me, and she advised me not to do it x
Denise:  I was on bedrest for 4 weeks had no intercourse and I still miscarried , although gave lots of bj's ( ha ha lexy ) and still miscarried so I am convinced whatever you do it will happen anyway xxx love and baby dust to you all xxx
Stacy: We didn't wait or anything... we didn't have sex the whole TWW but after that it was back to normal. My GP said not to have sex until the 6 week ultrasound, but my fertility specialist never said anything like that, and we had sex right up until the night before delivery.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Questions Answered: IVF & Bloating

I belong to two on-line support groups through Facebook. These are the ladies I have turned to (and continue to) throughout this journey).

Another question for you ladies..ever since I had my first IUI with stims, my tummy blew up. Gradually, with more IUIs and 2 IVFs, it got even larger. Well before I got my BFP (actually during my 1st IVF), I had people asking me if I was pregnant and how far along I was. My tummy is so bloated now, and I even had someone ask me what I'm having. Has this happened to anyone? I don't go back for my first ultrasound until 05/27.
Here are the responses (and mine). Note: I've changed names to protect everyone's privacy.
Trish: Mine is the EXACT same way. We just did 1st IVF and got out bfp on Sunday and I literally look pregnant and have for weeks!
Me: It's so refreshing to know I'm not alone! Although, I'm sorry you're going through the same thing. It has gotten so uncomfortable for me, and I can not wear most of my pants. I bought some "lounge slacks" from Old Navy and got the "ok" to wear them to work.
Trish: LOL I haven't worn anything but elastic in weeks! I feel like if I put a pin in my tunny it would POP!
Me: That's exactly how I feel!
Jeri:  my belly looks 3 months prego - wish i was! hoping i can fill it with a baby soon!
Amy: Jess, mine blew up with the stim cycle and retrieval and has only deflated a bit. I guess now I can say 'I'm pregnant' but I don't think 2 weeks really adds up to a tummy this size!
Ellie:  The same thing happened to me as well. I gained about 10 to 15 pounds before I even became pregnant with our IVF cycle.
Me: Lol! Especially when I'm already being asked what I'm having :-)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Where did the eggs go? Continuation of Egg Retrieval Post

According to Dr. Buyalos, 1 in 200 women going through IVF can ovulate early, despite the meds which are supposed to prevent this from happening. I'd used ganirelix. He also said that in his 20 years of practicing, this has never happened to any of his patients. I guess I had to be the first.

When I woke up from the retrieval (still sedated) and received the news, I was obviously very upset. We only had one frozen embryo from our first cycle. The whole reason we decided to go through another full cycle was in the hopes we would have extra embryos to freeze. This was not going to happen.

Dr. B devised a plan- he would thaw out our one frozen embryo and transfer it with the two fresh ones collected from this cycle. He was debating whether he would transfer the frozen one first followed by the fresh ones a few days later, or if he would transfer all three at once.

Dr. B. made a promise to us- if this cycle did not work, they would fully cover a third cycle and meds. Of course this helped relieve worrying about how we would pay for a third fresh (IVF) cycle. In my mind, I also remember thinking, "What if only one takes?". We would be blessed with one, but unable to afford IVF again for future siblings.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Egg Retrieval- 04/30/2011

Although the mini-flare protocol was intended to help me produce more eggs for this cycle, it did not. I actually produced less. Going into my first retrieval Dr. Buyalos saw 11 follicles. For this retrieval, he had only seen 6. Six may seem like a "good" number, but for those going through IVF, you want as many healthy eggs as possible. Not all eggs retrieved will necessarily be viable, and there is always the chance that not all of the embryos will fertilize.

Prepping for retrieval is much like prepping for any procedure in which they put you under. No caffeine the day before, and no food after midnight. What is dfferent- you are instructed to wear no lotions, perfumes, hair gel, or even deoderant, as you do not want anything effecting the eggs when they are retrieved. The room is very cold (for best air quality), but you are kept nice and warm with blankets.

Going into retrieval, I was expecting 6 eggs (as all follicles were good sizes). When I woke up from retrieval, it was a whole other story...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

IVF #2- Mini Flare Protocol

We went back to see Dr. Buyalos on Sunday, 04/10/2011. While waiting for Dr. B, David and I always look around his office. He has numerous plaques, photos of his family, etc. We saw something with his middle initial on it, "P". David and I placed bets on what the initial stood for- David thought "Peter" and I thought "Paul".  Well, I was right :-)

During our conversation, he discussed changing my medication protocol this time to what's called a "min-flare". I would start with only follistim- 200 IU twice a day. I brought my list of medications from home, and as it turned out I would have more than enough meds for this cycle. David and I have always found Dr. B. to be very approachable. He also always makes sure that any questions we may have are answered.

We shared with Dr. B. that this would be our last try. We had not won the lottery yet. Also, my parents had helped me out through both a bad divorce and other situations, so I did not feel it was appropriate to ask for their help yet again. We used credit cards and had taken a loan out from my retirement fund (not the best choice, but this was the only way we could have afforded to try for our baby blessing). During this meeting, Dr. B. did tell us that the clinic would do anything possible to help us. By this, I was sure he meant giving us the cash discount (the surgery center fee itself is normally around $4,000 and we would have to pay $2,500 instead).

AF (aunt flo...lol) came on 04/18/2011, and I started my meds on 04/19/2011.

Here is a pic of my meds for my second IVF cycle:

Resolve- The National Infertility Association

As mentioned in another post, a lady I'd met had given me information on Resolve, the national infertility association group, and a local support group. On day 11 of my cycle (04/28/2011), I was able to go to my first meeting in Santa Monica. It was an amazing feeling to sit in a group of women going through the same struggles. The women reflected all ehtnicities and were mostly in their mid to late 30's. There was one woman in her late 20's and a few in their early 40's. Hearing their stories made me cry...but it was a good cry.

I completely gave up all coffee...even decaf. I miss Starbuck's Caramel Lite Frappucinos and Chai Tea Lattes.

Friday, May 13, 2011


After the first failed IVF attempt, I decided to try acupuncture. My first appointment was on Saturday, 04/10/2011. Prior to our second egg retrieval, I went 2x a week for a total of seven sessions. I also started a mix of herbs (which I ran by Dr. B. before starting) and took them up until 5 days before the egg retrieval.
I mentioned the acupuncture to the nurses, and they told me that acupuncturists will often come to the transfer and administer acupuncture right before and immediately following the transfer. They also referred me to a local acupuncturist in the area, since we live 55 miles away. The cost- $500! I couldn't believe it.  Neither could David, so he called to try to negotiate a lower rate. They explained that the fee covers blocking one acupuncturist's schedule for several hours, so they are available. I also called my acupuncturist. He had never done this before and wanted to charge $400. David and I talked it over and decided $500 sounded reasonable for an acupuncturist who specializes in infertility.
Acupuncture has been shown in some studies to affect the levels of pituitary and ovarian hormones. The most immediate possible effect is that acupuncture served to "relax" the uterus around the time of the transfer. Several studies have shown that the uterus has contractions and that these contractions could cause expulsion of the transferred IVF embryos. If the contractions were reduced by acupuncture then that could be a mechanism for an improvement in IVF pregnancy rate.

Many patients have been told that they should use acupuncture for IVF because they will respond better to medication, get more eggs, get healthier eggs, or get higher pregnancy rates. Many women with specific problems such as high FSH levels or miscarriages have been promised that acupuncture will cure all these problems. To date, however, there is no objective data that backs up these claims.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Can I keep a secret?

May 11th:
Hubby has been set to for a while to go to Vegas for a long-weekend with one his best friends from home (Ohio). He leaves this Friday. When we scheduled this IVF, we made sure the majority would be over before his trip. My test day is Monday, and he doesn't come back until Tuesday night. Honestly, I don't think he remembers that the test is Monday (I don't think he heard me schedule it). If he asks before he leaves for his trip, should I tell him the truth/ that it's Monday? I'd hate for him to be on his last day of his vacation with his best friend when he gets the news...especially if it's a BFN and not being able to comfort me. On the bright side, my idea if it's a BFP is to surprise him when I pick him up Tuesday with a little card saying he's going to be a Daddy :-)

Nikki: I wouldn't tell him. Either way you can tell him Tuesday, but will you be okay until Tuesday if it's a crappy result?
Ella: I'd leave it til he gets back, if it were me. There's so little he can say or do if it's a negative and it will be the perfect end to a great weekend if it's positive (which it will be :D). 
Kelly: I would wait too. Will he get mad tho?
Me: I don't think he'd be upset if I waited to tell him. I think I will be okay, even if it's a BFN. Of course I'll be upset, but if this cycle doesn't work, my RE has said they'll cover a 3rd cycle at no charge (because of what happened with retrieval). I really do want to be able to surprise him and see his face when we do get a BFP!
Kelly: BFP does sound great!

May 15th:
Lori: good luck for tomorrow let us know the results!
Jeri: what time do you find out Jessica???

 May 16th:

Ella: Worried that no news is bad news....
Me: I'm on my way for the blood test- it's only 8am here in California :-)
Lynn: good luck jessica xxx Lynn: when will you find out ?
Me:  Thanks!! I should know in about 6 hours.
Lynn: awesome are you gonna HPT??
Emily: Good luck Jessica :)
Lori:  All the luck in the world to ya, let us know and sending positive vibes your way!

Me:  Sitting in my RE's office right now waiting!
Lori:  did you take an hpt?
Me: Yes, I did
Lori: AND?

Me: Test said positive!!!!!! I just want to make sure it's for real.
Lori: Wow, that is wonderful news, hope you have super strong beta numbers, let me know. Hope this good news will be just the beginning of many bfp's to come. Congrats.
Lynn:wooooo hooooo 
Alice:  I researched false positive pregnancy tests and there is supposedly only a 1% chance for a false positive! yaaaaay! Of course, I am one who got a false positive, but it was weird, I knew it couldn't be true, so we called the dr, set up our 2nd try, and it was a sign, because it worked. Must've helped me envision success!
Alice: Also, I was sick --- prego sick--- before my blood pregnancy test this time around so I knew I was. I was a very picky eater after a week of implantation already! was so funny!
Kari: Aww fantastic!Congratulations and what a fabulous surprise for your hubby!!Xxx
Debbie: Excellent news, huge congratulations xx
Me: ‎199- they think it's 1 embie. I go back on Wednesday.
2 days before my scheduled blood test, I decided to poas at 11:04am..my first ever positive pregnancy test!!
2nd pregnancy test- 05/15/11 at 4:50am..woohoo!! For the past several days, I have been waking up very early.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Follistim bruises- My good friend at work suggested I take photos of the bruises. That way, she said when the kid is a teenager and is giving us a hard time, I can show him/her these photos and say, "And you know what I went through to have you..."


Gotta love those long needles!

Towards the end of this cycle, my RE had me mixing 3 vials of the menopur.

By the end, you become a pro at mixing meds.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Game Face

I remember David telling me that he was proud of me and felt I'd handled the news much better than expected. We weren't ready to give up on our dreams of having a family. With very little insurance coverage left, it was time to come up with another game plan.

I had some medication left from the first cycle, but not much. And, it definitely would not be enough to get through another cycle. I remembered Dr. Buyalos' office telling me that people sometimes either give away or sell their unused and unopened leftover fertility meds at a much lower price.  I began my search through using google and entering phrases like "free follistim", "follistim for sale", "menopur for sale", "free IVF meds". My searches lead me to many sites- topix.com (infertility forum), freegaragesale.com (the medical section), sharedjourney.com, and even Craigslist.  I even posted my own ad on Criagslist.

A few hours after posting my ad on Craigslist, someone contacted me. It turned out that she lives close to the hospital I work per diem at. We communicated through email, and she was willing to sell me 900IU of follistim for $180 total. Retail price is close to $1,000! We arranged to meet the next day at her home. There is nothing like walking into the home of a stranger and immediately feeling at ease. She openly shared her journey with me, as I did mine with her. This woman had been through several miscarriages and was now four months pregnant with twins. She also gave me information on Resolve, a national infertility organization, and information on the local support group in Santa Monica, Ca. I left her home with hope that our turn was next.

I continued to browse the internet. A lady in Arizona posted that she wanted to "pay it forward" and was GIVING away all of her leftover IVF meds. I emailed her. Another couple, who live near me, also had an ad saying they wanted to give away all of their leftover IVF meds. I called and left a message.

On another site, I think it was sell.com, I met a single woman in Wisconsin selling her leftover follistim.She was now three weeks pregnant with twins and was willing to sell me a 600IU of follistim for only $100 total (and this included overnight shipping). This would normally cost close to $600! This woman was gracious enough to tell me that she trusted me to send her a check and that she would send the meds immediately. In addition to sending her the check, I picked up a beautiful card from Babies R Us and included a gift card. I wanted her to know how thoughtful she had been to a complete stranger and wished her a healthy pregnancy.

Somewhere along the way, I'd read about a person on Facebook who tries to help others get donated or low cost fertility meds. She is under "Give Away Acosta" and I friended her.

I think my husband thought I was nuts, as I spent a lot of time looking for our meds. On Topix Infertility Forum, a woman in New York was selling four boxes of menopur for $30 each. Each box retails for close to $400! She also sold me a 900IU of follistim for $225.

By no means did I purchase all of these meds at once. This was over a period of weeks. The extra paycheck from Henry Mayo has been put to good use.

As time went on and days passed, I'd forgotten about the woman in Arizona and the couple near me giving away their meds. I then got an email from the woman in AZ, and she was willing to ship me a ganirelix syringe for only the cost of shipping ($5.90). I don't even know the retail price of ganirelix, but knew this was a deal as most people sell them for $50.

Another night, I received a phone call from a number I did not recognize. Yes, I screen my calls. When I do not know who is calling, I will not answer the phone. The caller stated he was sorry for taking so long to get back to me. He had been out of the country for work, but did have follistim available for free. I immediately called him back. He and his wife also live very close to me. They have a 10yo son and a newborn son from which they had leftover medication. The next day I went to meet them at their home. They were so sweet and offered me a glass of wine. What a lovely couple! They had been lucky to be part of a study on PGD. Out of 22 embryos retrieved, only one (#9) was considered normal. She had had the one embryo implanted...nine months later a beautiful baby boy. They gave me two 600IU of follistim at no charge. What a blessing!!