May 11th:
Hubby has been set to for a while to go to Vegas for a long-weekend with one his best friends from home (Ohio). He leaves this Friday. When we scheduled this IVF, we made sure the majority would be over before his trip. My test day is Monday, and he doesn't come back until Tuesday night. Honestly, I don't think he remembers that the test is Monday (I don't think he heard me schedule it). If he asks before he leaves for his trip, should I tell him the truth/ that it's Monday? I'd hate for him to be on his last day of his vacation with his best friend when he gets the news...especially if it's a BFN and not being able to comfort me. On the bright side, my idea if it's a BFP is to surprise him when I pick him up Tuesday with a little card saying he's going to be a Daddy :-)
Hubby has been set to for a while to go to Vegas for a long-weekend with one his best friends from home (Ohio). He leaves this Friday. When we scheduled this IVF, we made sure the majority would be over before his trip. My test day is Monday, and he doesn't come back until Tuesday night. Honestly, I don't think he remembers that the test is Monday (I don't think he heard me schedule it). If he asks before he leaves for his trip, should I tell him the truth/ that it's Monday? I'd hate for him to be on his last day of his vacation with his best friend when he gets the news...especially if it's a BFN and not being able to comfort me. On the bright side, my idea if it's a BFP is to surprise him when I pick him up Tuesday with a little card saying he's going to be a Daddy :-)
Nikki: I wouldn't tell him. Either way you can tell him Tuesday, but will you be okay until Tuesday if it's a crappy result?
Ella: I'd leave it til he gets back, if it were me. There's so little he can say or do if it's a negative and it will be the perfect end to a great weekend if it's positive (which it will be :D).
Kelly: I would wait too. Will he get mad tho?
Me: I don't think he'd be upset if I waited to tell him. I think I will be okay, even if it's a BFN. Of course I'll be upset, but if this cycle doesn't work, my RE has said they'll cover a 3rd cycle at no charge (because of what happened with retrieval). I really do want to be able to surprise him and see his face when we do get a BFP!
Kelly: BFP does sound great!
May 15th:
May 15th:
Lori: good luck for tomorrow let us know the results!
Jeri: what time do you find out Jessica???
May 16th:
Ella: Worried that no news is bad news....
Me: I'm on my way for the blood test- it's only 8am here in California :-)
Lynn: good luck jessica xxx Lynn: when will you find out ?
Me: Thanks!! I should know in about 6 hours.
Me: Thanks!! I should know in about 6 hours.
Lynn: awesome are you gonna HPT??
Emily: Good luck Jessica :)
Lori: All the luck in the world to ya, let us know and sending positive vibes your way! Me: Sitting in my RE's office right now waiting!
Lori: did you take an hpt?
Me: Yes, I did
Lori: AND?
Me: Test said positive!!!!!! I just want to make sure it's for real.
Lori: Wow, that is wonderful news, hope you have super strong beta numbers, let me know. Hope this good news will be just the beginning of many bfp's to come. Congrats.
Lynn:wooooo hooooo
Alice: I researched false positive pregnancy tests and there is supposedly only a 1% chance for a false positive! yaaaaay! Of course, I am one who got a false positive, but it was weird, I knew it couldn't be true, so we called the dr, set up our 2nd try, and it was a sign, because it worked. Must've helped me envision success!
Alice: Also, I was sick --- prego sick--- before my blood pregnancy test this time around so I knew I was. I was a very picky eater after a week of implantation already! was so funny!
Alice: Also, I was sick --- prego sick--- before my blood pregnancy test this time around so I knew I was. I was a very picky eater after a week of implantation already! was so funny!
Kari: Aww fantastic!Congratulations and what a fabulous surprise for your hubby!!Xxx
Debbie: Excellent news, huge congratulations xx
Me: 199- they think it's 1 embie. I go back on Wednesday.
Me: 199- they think it's 1 embie. I go back on Wednesday.
2 days before my scheduled blood test, I decided to poas at first ever positive pregnancy test!!
2nd pregnancy test- 05/15/11 at 4:50am..woohoo!! For the past several days, I have been waking up very early.
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