Wednesday, September 28, 2011

So I found out today (while at work), I can no longer squat over a public toilet seat. My right leg got a shower :-(  My shoes are fine. Just the right pant leg got wet. I ended up using paper towels with soap and water. When I got back to my desk, I told my co-worker that I realized I'd gotten some sort of stain on my clothes and wasn't sure what it was from.

In other news, I've had heartburn since the beginning of my pregnancy. I'd been taking 2 tums a day, and it had been helping tremendously. Well, within the past two days, my heartburn has gotten out of control. I've added two additional tums in the evening.  And, I find myself waking up at midnight and needing more tums.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Had my OB appt today- 23w3d. The first thing my OB said to me (as he smiled), "so you have a Doppler." I'm so glad he has a sense of humor. HR was 150bpm. I'm starting to develop that hormonal line in the middle of my belly. Dr. Nishiguchi believes our baby girl should weigh approximately 6 to 7 lbs at birth. My constipation has seemed to have gotten better (hopefully it will stay that way). In a little over two weeks, I'll be tested for gestational diabetes. OB was happy that I've gained 3 lbs in the past 4 weeks.  I've had a lot of back pain, and my OB suggested a hot bath. After the appointment, David and I went for ice cream. When we came home, he surprised me by making me a bubble bath. Boy did I need that!

Monday, September 26, 2011

On my 06/19/2011 post, I talked about my good friend Talin who is also pregnant and is due on 01/06/2012. Talin moved to Philadelphia two years ago. Her mother and sister held her baby shower for her locally this past weekend. Here are some pics from the beautiful party at Villa Sorriso.

I couldn't believe it- someone was telling me recently that I should try and avoid a c-section because my stomach will never be the same after. It's someone who doesn't know me. I politely listened, but then I had to open my mouth..I told her about our infertility journey, how I'd been a marathon runner and had had to give up all exercise, looked pregnant from all the hormones, and was just so happy when it finally happened. I let her know that I could care less what my tummy looks like after. Of course I plan to run again and can wear a tank top. But, geez, who cares what my tummy looks like after! Well, I caught her off guard and she politely said she understood.

Friday, September 23, 2011

We had an appointment yesterday with Dr. Samadi, our perinatologist. He had difficulty scanning our baby and had to push rather hard on my tummy.  He said at my next appointment with him (in 7 weeks), he will need to rescan her heart. He didn't seem overly concerned, and this helped ease my anxiety. He did say that my fibroid sits in a spot which can make it difficult to scan her. David said she seems to be pretty stubborn like him and that we are going to have our hands full with her :-)

Here are some pics from the 23w5d

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hopefully I am just anxious, but neither David nor I could find our baby girl's heartbeat with the Doppler. My friend Tamya(who also went through IVF and was two weeks behind me) lost her baby this week. It was heartbreaking. I called my OB, and he said we could either go to the ER or wait until 9am tomorrow. I'm too anxious to wait.

Two hours later...
Everything is okay. I was taken directly to the Women's Unit. They had a  lot of difficulty (and made me cry even more). It took them two different dopplers and a very long time, but they finally found her heattbeat. 

I wasn't that worried in the beginning of this pregnancy. But, after the hemmorhage, it's been non-stop worrying. I wish I could just sit back and enjoy my pregnancy. It's so hard to do.

You know you are seriously TTCing …
1) When someone asks you the date and you say it’s “5 days past ovulation (dpo)”.
2) When you get up in the middle of the night with a bad dream and promptly put the thermometer in your mouth.
3) When in the lingerie section of a shopping mall you look at something and say “I think this should do the trick the next time I ovulate (O)”
4) When you keep digging the home pregnancy tests & ovulation predictor kits from the trash hour after hour just to check in case there is a second line even though you are supposed to read it within a time limit.
5) When you miss your favorite TV shows or your girls night out, you sit in front of your partner with a silly grin that is trying to tell him “Gimme your sperm”.
6) When instead of cuddling up in bed after doing the deed you have your legs sticking up in the air so the spermies can get in fast.
7) When you live in total fear of Aunt Flow (aka your period) and are scared of going to pee or poo.
8 ) When the month is divided into 3 phases: pre-ovulation, ovulating & post ovulation instead of days and weeks.
9)When you daydream constantly of your baby shower, of whether the baby will be a boy or a girl, and the attention you will get once you are pg.
10) When going to pee means a)Pull down pants b)Pee on a stick c)Hold pee d)Wait for the result e) See the results f)Empty bladder now g)Pull up pants
11) When,, and are added to your list of fave websites.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In happier news, here is a photo of my friend Kathy's daughter Callie with the baby doll David and I sent her.

Very sad update on my friend Tanya. Tanya was 20 weeks pregnant and started going into labor last week. This is from Tanya, "Aspen Isla was born last night at 8:07PM, weighing 14 ounces, 10 inches. We held her as she hung in there til about 10:00PM, then she slipped away. I can not explain the pain of losing her."

Hoping for some good sleep now.

Someone took over my new boppy pillow :-)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

*TMI Warning*.

David and I were being intimate and I propped my belly on pillows. David then said, "what's that peanut hanging out of your a**?". I didn't know what he was talking about and had him take a pic with my phone. I compared it to pics online, and it looks like a hemmorhoid. I'm glad David has a sense of humor! I'll be calling my OB tomorrow.

Our OB/GYN is on the left- Don Nishiguchi, MD. Dr. Nish is also Buckeye (David's alma mater).

Friday, September 9, 2011

It's been a week filled with sad news.

My friend Tanya is currently 20 weeks pregnant with her IVF miracle Aspen Isla and has gone into labor. The hospital is doing their best to prolong delivery for at least four weeks. Otherwise, baby Aspen does not have a chance. Please pray for Tanya and her family.

Below is my friend Kathy's IVF miracle, Callie. This week Callie was diagnosed with AML leukemia. She will be 3 years old on 11/19/2011. Kathy is currently 7 months pregnant with a little girl. Please send prayers for Callie and her family.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

While in Las Vegas this weekend, we were able to have a 4D ultrasound. Currently 20w.
**TMI alert**
Iron tabs are not my friend. Since the beginning of my pregnancy, I was actually going to the bathroom 3-4 times a day. By 14 weeks it slowed down to 2x a day. My friend Chrstine warned me about the iron, and she was right. I've since had extreme difficulty going to the bathroom. Yesterday I started to have lower abdominal cramping, so I called Dr. Nishiguchi. He said as long as the cramping is low (and not near my belly button) and as long as there is no additional spotting, all sounds okay. He told me to stop taking the iron for a few days and that I could but colace tabs. The bottle says you can have up to 6 tabs/ day. I wanted to play it safe and started with one tab around 8pm last night. Since we were in the car for a few hours, I took another at 10pm, then 12am, and one this morning at 6am. No success yet, so I had a decaf iced coffee. I'm hoping for some relief.

20 weeks today :-)