Monday, June 6, 2011

My questions answered: Embryo Size

Re saw the heartbeat. However, he seemed a bit concerned. He said the size was at 6 weeks 5 days, and I should be at 7 weeks 2 days.

Jerri: Glad to hear u saw the heartbeat. Ill be thinking of u until your next appt.
Alice: I wouldn't be too concerned about of my twins always measured a week behind and she is now a 2 year old little book worm :) I'm surprised they even cared about a 4 day difference..there are so many measurement and machine errors I really wouldn't pay attention..the hb is the main thing :) Think back to the days where if you wanted to find out if you were PG, they injected live rabbits with your urine and then a few days later checked if the rabbits had ovulated..if they did you were!!!...I think we know too much too soon these days, try to relax, I am sure everything will be fine :)
Ella: I'm sure everything's fine Jessica. Honestly, I don't think these health professionals understand the gravity of the things they say, to the ears of a 1st time mum! My ob/gyn was shocking for saying things that sent me into a tailspin of ...worry and when I'd go back for a scan 2 wks later, he'd say 'ah yes, that's usually the case - I just couldn't see it properly....' Aaaaaaaargh! I know better this time around so I will pull him up if he tries it again! 4 days is nothing and it can be for any number of reasons, including the angle the baby is on - sometimes they just can't get clear measurements if bub's not in the perfect position, regardless of how sophisticated the machinery is! Relax and enjoy being up the duff :) x
Kay: Congrats to you!I don't think it's anything to worry about as long as heartbeat was good sounds ok to me and it is only 4 days difference. I had scan and babies measured 5wks 2 days then a wk and 2 days later they were measuring 7wks 5 days!I think it's just how well they can see them on the scan!Go again Friday for official dating scan!Take care Xxx Also Good luck to Tanya for today hope all goes well!Xx
Cara: I can't offer advice since I've never made it that far, but I wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and for the little bean to keep growing!
Rachel: I am 22 wks and baby boy measures a week behind! He is very healthy, this is my 3rd baby and the biggest Ive had was 6lbs12 oz...some are just smaller than others and dont always attach right when the dr say they should..thats only 4 days..i would say its perfectly fine!
Leslie: my doctor always says they measure plus or minus 4 days being okay. mine is 2days ahead both times i had an ultrasound. as long as the hb is there i would not be very worried at this point.
Anna: I cant believe he is concerning you about 4 days. That is a typical "window" for an ultrasound..give or take! Please dont worry that sounds perfectly normal!! Enjoy your pregancy:)
Tracy: yep! my doc says there is a window too! 4 days isn't a big deal-some docs are even saying a reading can be up to a week either way. Not sure why your doctor would worry you unnecessarily. As long as the heartbeat was in range-that seems fine. ;)

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