Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I've had cramping (like period cramping) for the past 1.5 hours. I called my RE's office about an hour ago, explained the situation, and she said they would pull my chart and call me back. I haven't heard from them yet, and the cramping isn't subsiding. I've been to the bathroom to check for far in the clear. I'm very worried..
Fara: hey hun hw far r u in the 2ww??? cud be implantation cramping huni give them a call back x
Me:  I'm over 5 weeks pregnant
Jeri:Call them again. My acupuncturist always tells me to concentrate on my breathing. nice slow in and out to go from your head to your toes. I know it wont help the belly but it may take your mind off it til they call 
Me: Calling right now..
Fara: give them a call back hun, if u have no bleeding dont think u have naything to worry bwt but wud just ring them xxx
Dina: Am thinking of. You hunny xxx I am sure all will be okay xxxx
Me:  On my way to RE's office. It's over a 1hr drive there.
Hannah: Hope all is going ok, use slow deep breaths as it helps with the pain. Good luck, thinking of you xox
 Cathy: keep us posted and don't panic! i know it's easier said than done! Praying for u and baby! xoxo
 Fay Simpson iampraying for u huni take ur time deep breaths stay positive hold on bubs xxx
 Tina: I hope everything is ok.. It's hard cuz while pregnant you do get cramping ... But I would say to rest and keep your feet up ... Let us know how it goes (:
 Clarestay strong jessica, im hoping for you thats its just your little jelly bean letting you know its there xoxo
Me: I've been sitting in the room for almost 40 minutes with my feet in stirrups. The nurse just walked in and apologized- said RE has been backed up. Hopefully it's a good sigb..otherwise I'd think he'd have seen me right away.
Dina: Thinking of you xxx
Jeri: Thanks for the visual, girlfriend! Hahaha! Seriously though let us know when you hear something  Happy thoughts happy thoughts
Cara: Omg thinking of u jess please please be ok xxx
Dina: How are u Doing hunny xxx sending positive thoughts your way xxx
Me: So far, doing okay- saw one sac. RE won't look for a heartbeat until 06/06. Thank you, ladies!
Diane: That's good news hunny xx take it easy as much as possible xx thinking of you xxx mwah xxx
Cara:  fan bloody tastic thankgod all is ok!!!!!
Cathy: Awesome! At least now u can breathe a little!
Me:  Looove you girls so much. Thank you all for the support. Today was nerve racking. Hubby is glad I went in, and now we have pics :-)
Ella: Thats great news, i had alsorts of twinges/cramping in the first couple of weeks, i think it can be the uterus stretching, your little one is working its hardest growing everyday, take care and rest xxx
Me:  Thank you :-)
Tina: Yay for seeing a sac !! That's great (: You should post your u/s picture!! I'd love to see your little gummy bear (: Make sure you get lots of rest and keep your feet up !!

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