Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2:51am on Wednesday 11/23/2011. We've moved forward another day, which means I am now 31 weeks and 4 days along. What it's like in the ICU- bright lights, humming from my oxygen mask, the tocol constantly on to rule out contractions, ultrasound machine strapped on to examine baby's heartbeat and movements. Nurses kind but cold hands touching you. Measuring loss
of amniotic fluid. Liquid only diet the event that intubation becomes the next step. Blood pressure cuff monitoring every so often. Dry cracked lips from the oxygen mask. Multiple meds and IV drips. Blood taken several times a day, which has lead to dry and torn skin. Daily chest xrays and ultrasounds. Loss of pride- having a catheter and bathed by a team of nurses daily. What is sustaining me? A husband who truly is my life partner. Who is self-less and willing to do anything he can to comfort and reassure me, and loves me unconditionally. My faith in God. Prayer has a powerful way of calming and allowing myself to handle what I can and ask for his help. Miracles. Sadie is already a miracle. She was conceived after three failed IUIs and two full cycles of IVF. Prayers of close friends and family. Finally, my IVF support sisters, many who have been through such tribulations themselves and are always here to support one another no matter what stage of the journey towards parenthood they are at. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Blessed to have wonderful friends in my life. Two of my dearest friends stopped by and brought some much needed TLC with them. — with Shauna Howard Criner and Jennifer Marra Minkin.


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